Friday, October 8, 2010

Respect My Vote! Hip Hop Caucus and Women of Labor United for the Vot Hip Hop Caucus

Hip Hop Caucus

This November 2nd, we as young people, workers, and communities of color have the power to help define the direction of our nation with our votes. That's why we re-launched the Respect My Vote! campaign. Diverse communities are standing with us to ensure that the voices of our nation's young people are seen and heard.

The Hip Hop Caucus recently teamed with American Rights at Work, who has organized prominent women of color in the labor movement to show their support for young people's participation in these 2010 mid-term elections. These powerful and awesome women leaders have something important to say about the importance of standing up and speaking out in political process, and in the workplace.

Check out this video highlighting some of the leading voices in the labor movement!