Sunday, October 17, 2010

Randi Weingarten: Don't scapegoat America's teachers

Randi Weingarten: Don't scapegoat America's teachers

Randi Weingarten: Don't scapegoat America's teachers

By Randi Weingarten
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Last week in these pages, a group of school superintendents -- two of whom, Chicago Public Schools chief executive Ron Huberman and D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, have just announced their resignations -- laid out a "manifesto"for fixing America's schools. Although lofty in its stated aim to set a course for improving public education, the manifesto offered few concrete solutions, with one notable exception: shifting the sole responsibility to teachers. Sadly, such a view ignores both the full extent of the superintendents' own responsibilities and the reality that many factors affect