Saturday, October 23, 2010

NOT Waiting for Superman : Articles/Ultimate $uperpower: Supersized dollars drive "Waiting for Superman" agenda

NOT Waiting for Superman : Articles/Ultimate $uperpower: Supersized dollars drive "Waiting for Superman" agenda

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| Ultimate $uperpower: Supersized dollars drive “Waiting for Superman” agenda |


by Barbara Miner

This article, written expressly for, explores the money behind the movie, its promoters, and those who will benefit from the movie. As author Barbara Miner writes, “In education, as in so many other aspects of society, money is being used to squeeze out democracy.” After examining the role of hedge funds, foundations and other players, she asks, “Should the American people put their faith in a white billionaires boys’ club to lead the revolution on behalf of poor people of color?”

Please download the .pdf version of this report to read sidebar pieces and footnotes.

Ultimate $uperpower:

Supersized dollars drive Waiting for Superman agenda