Friday, October 22, 2010

My Mom Is Looking for these Guys – Lily's Blackboard

My Mom Is Looking for these Guys – Lily's Blackboard
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My Mom Is Looking for these Guys

Soy la hija de una inmigrante. I am the proud daughter of an immigrant. My mother is from Panama and became a citizen when I was three.

Sometimes she used to let us stay up past the late, late, late show when TV used to actually go off the air. (Lordy, am I dating myself?). At the End of Our Broadcasting Day, they played the Star Spangled Banner. My little mamá would make us get our sleepy little butts up off the sofa and put our droopy little hands over our hearts. Some of the most patriotic Americas I know are those who loved this country so much, they chose to become Americans. They do not take our country or our responsibilities for granted.

I don’t think Mom has ever missed an election. My mother would consider it una vergüenza – a shameful thing – to not vote when there are so many immigrants who love this country and dream about someday becoming citizens and being given that incredible responsibility.

I saw a commercial that I consider not only Unpatriotic, but an insult to my mother. It was a slick commercial by people who are not friends of the Latino