Thursday, October 7, 2010

Light Up the Bat Signal Over the Suburbs � Outside the Cave

Light Up the Bat Signal Over the Suburbs � Outside the Cave

Light Up the Bat Signal Over the Suburbs

Let’s be honest, when people talk about the so-called “crisis in American education,” as most recently brought to the public eye through Education Nation, what people are really talking about is a crisis in urban education. The majority of Americans live in the suburbs, and most are quite content with the education their children receive. Despite all its problems, the one thing I will grant Waiting for Superman without reservation is that it challenges the notion that suburban schools serve all of their students well. So while Geoffrey Canada waits for Superman to save our cities, we need a “Commissioner Gordon” to light up the bat signal over the suburbs, because if there is a crisis in education, it extends to all public schools that fail to be the equalizing mechanism democracy requires.

I started my career teaching in one of Washington DC’s more privileged suburban counties. I took a job there