Friday, October 29, 2010

Just What Our Schools Need — A Second Appalling Manifesto

Just What Our Schools Need — A Second Appalling Manifesto

Just What Our Schools Need — A Second Appalling Manifesto

Filed under school reform

Fresh on the heels of the appalling “manifesto” written by a group of superintendents and published in The Washington Post earlier this month (see The Best Posts About The Appalling Teacher-Bashing Column Superintendents Wrote In The Washington Post), former Washington, D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee and soon-to-be-former D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty have written another one titled The Education Manifesto that has just been published by The Wall Street Journal.

Here’s an excerpt:

We believe that the people in D.C. who want change were, and still are, the majority. But they face special interests—unions, administrators and opportunistic politicians—who are vocal and committed. These organized