Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Julie Woestehoff: 'We are the Revolution!'

Julie Woestehoff: 'We are the Revolution!'
Julie Woestehoff

Julie Woestehoff

Posted: October 27, 2010 01:50 AM

'We are the Revolution!'

What's Your Reaction:

Have the Whittier Moms started something??? Istheir win over the Chicago Public Schools' effort to trample their school, their community, and their children's future giving others the idea that they, too, can stand up and fight???

Folks all over the nation seem to be getting wise to the Waiting for Superman propaganda, and getting mad about the lies and manipulation Arne Duncan and Friends are using to destroy the very foundation of democratic public education.

My local paper, The Hyde Park Herald, quotes a local mom:

"'I've seen some good charter schools, and I've seen some others that are not so great -- charters are not the sole solution to improvement in education.'"

The mom is also a displaced charter school teacher, so she probably knows what she's talking about.

On page 3, a candidate for alderman advocates, "moving away from the business model approach