Monday, October 25, 2010

Essay Question: Teachers & Unions In 20 Years - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

Essay Question: Teachers & Unions In 20 Years - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

Essay Question: Teachers & Unions In 20 Years

I read somewhere recently that only seven percent of the US workforce remain unionized, though of course in education that number is much higher. For better or for worse, the overall trend is clear -- more and more industries are either shutting down (manufacturing) or moving overseas, or becoming much less union-dominated than they were. Pensions and employer-paid healthcare plans are going the way of the dodo bird, or at least they have in other sectors. But maybe education is different? Put your own opinions aside for a moment -- and your own personal benefit -- and ponder the following: Do you think that teaching will be as unionized as it