Friday, October 22, 2010

Education Officials Weigh In On Teacher Report Cards -

Education Officials Weigh In On Teacher Report Cards -

Education Officials Weigh In On Teacher Report Cards

By: Lindsey Christ

State and federal education officials weighed in today on whether the city should release report card grades – by name – for 12,000 teachers.

The union has filed suit to stop that from happening, and it's now up to a judge.

Educators, parents and teachers across the country are waiting to see whether the city will be allowed to release these reports. That's because school districts nationwide have begun grading teachers this way, but none of them have released them publically.

The secretary of education, Arne Duncan, says he supports the city's desire to give media organizations, including NY1, the information we asked for.

“I give New York credit for sharing this information with teachers so they can improve and get better,” said Duncan in a statement. “I also think that parents and community members have the right to