Thursday, October 28, 2010

Duncan and Danza? Really, now? � Failing Schools

Duncan and Danza? Really, now? � Failing Schools

Duncan and Danza? Really, now?

OCTOBER 28, 2010
by markfriedman1

Danza reveals the wisdom of teaching under Duncan

This celebrity foolishness in education press releases is and has been crazy. Question for Mr. Duncan: How does having Tony Danza with you say anything about your commitment todiversifying teaching on a national level? How can you speak to the joys of teaching when you’ve never taught, Mr. Duncan?

“Addressing hundreds of high school and college students at Temple University, Duncan stressed the need to replace an estimated 1 million teachers expected to retire in the next few years.
He also emphasized the need to diversify the nation’s teaching ranks, noting that about 45 percent of American students are nonwhite while only 14 percent of teachers are in that demographic. Black men make up less than 2 percent of teachers in the United States.
‘We want our teachers to reflect the extraordinary diversity of this nation’s youth,” Duncan said.”

Let’s let the talking point sink in a bit while we deal with the reality of Duncan’s national policy on teacher recruitment. If anything should be a firm indicator of where Duncan stands on both