Saturday, October 2, 2010

Climate Film Depicts Children Assassinated For Not Reducing Carbon Footprint -

Web's #1 Source for K12 and Higher Education News and Commentary -

Climate Film Depicts Children Assassinated For Not Reducing Carbon Footprint
10.2.10 - Paul Joseph Watson | Vulgar video pulled by global warming organization proposes 'final solution

Background Checks Required to Visit Your Kids at School

10.2.10 - Matt Ryan | Over 3,700 schools in Texas and 7,000 nationwide have implemented a system requiring parents visiting their children to undergo a background check upon arrival to the school.

Experts suggest bullying isn't only culprit in youth suicides

10.2.10 - While bullying may have played a role in a recent string of nationally publicized suicides of young people, experts warned Friday that taking one's life often is the result of multiple issues. ...

School 'no touch' to be scrapped

10.2.10 - "No touch" rules discouraging teachers from restraining and comforting children are to be scrapped, Education Secretary Michael Gove says. ...

Torture, not treatment

10.2.10 - Laurie Ahern | It's time to end the abuses being pegged as beneficial for children with disabilities....

Ed school professors resist teaching practical skills

10.2.10 - Amid the chatter about the Obama administration's Race to the Top funds, NBC's Education Nation programs and the release of the film "Waiting For 'Superman'" (warning: I am in it), I am not hearing much about how education schools fit into this new saving our schools ferment. ...


The Slow Death of Tenure
10.2.10 - Sanford Pinsker - According to the Chronicle of Higher Education (July 4, 2010), the U.S. Department of Education will soon publish a report documenting the steep decline among college professors with tenure or with tenure-line appointments. In l975, 57% of all college teachers fell into these categories; as of 2007, the number was 31%. The news is depressing but not particularly surprising because the assault against tenure has been going on for some time.