Monday, October 18, 2010

California Governor, Schools Chief Square Off Over Data System - State EdWatch - Education Week

California Governor, Schools Chief Square Off Over Data System - State EdWatch - Education Week

California Governor, Schools Chief Square Off Over Data System

California finally has a state budget, even if many observers say the $87.5 billion spending plan will do little to solve the state's enduring financial woes. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has since weighed in with a series of line-item vetoes, and one of them in particular—to the state's problem-plagued school data system—has drawn the wrath of state schools superintendent Jack O'Connell.

O'Connell called the veto "shortsighted, ill-informed, and hypocrticial," and says it will hinder the implementation of California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, known as CALPADS.

The schools chief says the veto would cut $6.8 million from CALPADS, which is designed to allow for an examination of student test scores, demographic data, teacher assignment by course and individual students'