Monday, October 18, 2010

Applause for Ackerman nationally, but locally rhetoric doesn't match reality | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Applause for Ackerman nationally, but locally rhetoric doesn't match reality | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Applause for Ackerman nationally, but locally rhetoric doesn't match reality

I want to be the first to applaud Superintendent Arlene Ackerman for her recent letter to the editor in theWashington Post, which distanced herself from a controversial op-ed fronted by NYC Chancellor Joel Klein and D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Ackerman’s letter was not only a thoughtful critique of the Klein/Rhee op-ed, but the first step on the national stage by a major superintendent to challenge the bad teacher/good charter stereotype now making the national media rounds.

The only drawback? I guess I’m disappointed how Ackerman’s rhetoric has not quite made it to reality here in Philadelphia.

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