Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Answer Sheet - 'Manifesto' should be resignation letter

The Answer Sheet - 'Manifesto' should be resignation letter

'Manifesto' should be resignation letter

My guest is Kevin G. Welner, professor of education policy and program evaluation in the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and director of the National Education Policy Center. He can be reached at welner@colorado.edu. By Kevin G. Welner For a concise compilation of today’s fads and gimmicks in education, go read “How to fix our schools: A manifesto by Joel Klein, Michelle Rhee and other education leaders,” published in the Outlook section of Sunday’s Washington Post. The sort of nonsense about education found in the new manifesto has become astoundingly commonplace, but this time it came not from a Hollywood filmmaker or a Washington think-tank advocate but from the leaders of 16 of the nation’s major city school districts. According to the manifesto, “It’s time for all of the adults -- superintendents, educators, elected officials, labor unions and parents alike -- to start acting like

U-Maryland marching band wins $25,000 challenge with 'Book em Danno'

The University of Maryland marching band won $25,000 in a national competition, the Hawaii Five-0 Marching Band Madness, it was announced late Monday night. The band, called the MIghty Sound of Maryland, won with a performance in which it first spelled out Hawaii Five-0, and then “Book em Danno.” If you don’t know what that means, you never watched "Hawaii Five-0" on television. Watch the performance video above -- it’s a hoot. Not a bad way to win $25,000. -0- Follow my blog every day by bookmarking washingtonpost.com/answersheet. And for admissions advice, college news and links to campus papers, please check out our Higher Education page at washingtonpost.com/higher-ed Bookmark it!