Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Answer Sheet - Do we really need an ed 'enemies list'?

The Answer Sheet - Do we really need an ed 'enemies list'?

Do we really need an ed 'enemies list'?

I don’t often agree with Rick Hess, the education policy maven of the American Enterprise Institute. But it's hard not to in regard to an education "enemies list" that was published in the latest quarterly issue of the University Council for Educational Administration Review. Hess finds himself on the list, along with folks such as Education Secretary Arne Duncan and billionaire Eli Broad, and writes about it in the following post from his “Straight Up” blog on the Education Week Web site. Hess pokes some fun at the list, but he actually misses one of the silliest problems with it: It has the wrong first name of one of the chief enemies! No. 10 on this list is "Ed Hirsch, Jr." Obviously, the authors of the list meant E.D. Hirsch Jr., whose name isn't Ed but Eric Donald Hirsch. If you are going to call someone an enemy, you should