Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Evangelista on Building Connections Between Schools and Students

Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Evangelista on Building Connections Between Schools and Students

Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Evangelista on Building Connections Between Schools and Students


When Dropout Nation met with Steve Evangelista earlier this year, the Teach-for-America alum-turned-charter school founder was struggling with the news that one of his former pupils during his teaching days had landed in Rykers Island, New York City’s notorious city jail. For the co-director of the Harlem Link Charter School, the news led him to ask some important questions about how teachers and schools could build long-term connections that can keep students on the track to graduation and to fulfilling their economic and social destinies. His efforts was profiled on the Dropout Nation Podcast on building long-lasting connections between students and teachers.

This week, Evangelista offers some more thoughts and observations on what schools and teachers must