Thursday, September 23, 2010

Texas State Board of Education resolution targets lessons it claims favor Islam in textbooks

Texas State Board of Education resolution targets lessons it claims favor Islam in textbooks

Texas State Board of Education resolution targets lessons it claims favor Islam in textbooks

Thursday, September 23rd 2010, 1:03 PM

Schoolboy (9-12) reading text book in class, close-up. (Ableimages/Getty Images)Getty CreativeOriginal Filename: 200411987-001.jpg
Schoolboy (9-12) reading text book in class, close-up. (Ableimages/Getty Images)Getty CreativeOriginal Filename: 200411987-001.jpg
Randy Rives
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Randy Rives


Religion in Textbooks

Do you think textbooks are too favorable towards in its treatment of Islam?

Children are being taught to like Islam and hate Christianity, according to elected officials in Texas, who say they're hellbent on stopping it.

And what these 14 people decide could influence textbooks for the entire nation.

Members of the state's Board of Education will vote on a new resolution on Friday that argues textbooks dedicate more time to

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