Friday, September 3, 2010

Smarick for NJ Education Commissioner? - State EdWatch - Education Week

Smarick for NJ Education Commissioner? - State EdWatch - Education Week

Smarick for NJ Education Commissioner?

It's all speculation at this point, but the New Jersey Star-Ledger is reporting that Gov. Chris Christie is considering tapping former Thomas B. Fordham Institute analyst Andy Smarick to serve as the state's next education commissioner.

The paper cites two sources close to the administration as saying Smarick is the governor's favored choice.

The Republican governor has named Rochelle Hendricks, an assistant commissioner with the education department, to serve as acting chief in the wake of New Jersey's costly error on its state Race to the Topapplication, and the subsequent hubbub that led to commissioner Bret Schundler's firing. But Christie also said