Wednesday, September 22, 2010

S.D. teacher layoffs possible this time -

S.D. teacher layoffs possible this time -

S.D. teacher layoffs possible this time

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 7:53 P.M.

San Diego city teachers may face layoffs for the first time since the district began its annual process of slashing millions of dollars from its budget four years ago.

Universities cover delayed student grants

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 6:32 P.M.

The University of California borrowed big and California State University dug into its shrinking reserves to front financial aid for students whose Cal Grants have been delayed by the state budget stalemate in Sacramento. Nearly 20,000 UC and CSU students in San Diego County are covered.

Sweetwater trustees scuttle vote on school ads

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 12:08 A.M.

Platt College's bid to become the district's first advertiser does not reach a vote

City school district launches town hall meetings

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 12:02 A.M.

The San Diego Unified School District will join community members in a district-wide discussion regarding student achievement goals, the district’s budget crisis and the Proposition J parcel tax at a series of nine town hall meetings over the next month.