Monday, September 27, 2010

Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Survey: Parents More Involved in College Admissions Process, but Schools Philosophically Divided about How to Manage Them - MarketWatch

Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Survey: Parents More Involved in College Admissions Process, but Schools Philosophically Divided about How to Manage Them - MarketWatch

Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Survey: Parents More Involved in College Admissions Process, but Schools Philosophically Divided about How to Manage Them

77% Of College Admissions Officers Say Parental Involvement Is Increasing; Many Schools Involve Parents, While Others Seek To Cut The Umbilical Cord

NEW YORK, Sep 27, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- --Available for Interview: College Admissions Expert

A new Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions survey* of admissions officers at 386 of the nation's top colleges and universities reveals that the phenomenon of the helicopter parent -- a term given to parents who "hover" over their children -- may be more prevalent than ever, but that schools are divided on how to address it. 77% report that parental involvement in the college admissions process is increasing and because of this, 61% say that their school has been prompted to develop new initiatives for parents. But while a majority of schools are setting up special websites, seminars and tours just for parents, some schools are cutting parents out of the admissions process entirely.

"Parents are more involved because the college admissions process is extremely competitive and increasingly expensive. They want to make sure that they are helping their children make smart decisions and that they are making smart investments in their