Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In Post-Palin Alaska, an Union Endorsement - State EdWatch - Education Week

In Post-Palin Alaska, an Union Endorsement - State EdWatch - Education Week

In Post-Palin Alaska, an Union Endorsement

The Alaska state affiliate of the National Education Association is backing Democrat Ethan Berkowitz in the race for governor over Republican incumbent Sean Parnell.

In picking Berkowitz, the union is making it's first official endorsement for governor since 1998, the union's president, Barb Angaiak, explained in one account. The endorsement officially comes from the union's Political Action Committee for Education. Angaiak cited Berkowitz's support for early-childhood education and a return to providing teachers with a defined-benefit pension system.

Berkowitz, a former state lawmaker, "clearly understands the obstacles public education faces in Alaska and