Tuesday, September 14, 2010

High-tech gadget transforming college teaching - and learning | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/13/2010

High-tech gadget transforming college teaching - and learning | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/13/2010
Tamika Miles (left), 11, a sixth grader at Masterman, and Kelly Ca, student-body president, speaking with reporters. Tamika will lead the Pledge of Allegiance for the president´s visit.
Tamika Miles is 11, a sixth grader at the prestigious Masterman School. She's a serious girl with two long pigtails, an impressive vocabulary, and a strong belief that Tuesday will be the biggest day of her life so far.
Obama to students: Work hard, focus on education
Traffic Alert: Presidential visit = street closures
Polaneczky: Obama at Masterman: Unreal choice
The Inquirer's annual survey of education in the region, with a searchable database of school and district information, and multimedia profiles of area students and high schools.
With the dropout problem in Philadelphia at crisis proportions, a chance-of-a-lifetime program offers 40 select students a shot at breaking the cycle of failure. But can they take advantage?