Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full slate of education issues on tap in D.C. - Washington Times

Full slate of education issues on tap in D.C. - Washington Times

Full slate of education issues on tap in D.C.

Return of ombudsman sought; parental involvement 'important'


The fate of D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee dominated last week's post-mayoral primary debate, but her position isn't the only issue facing city and school officials as voters head back to the polls in November.

Four Board of Education races will be on the ballot, and funding for the lucrative merit-pay deal and other reforms could be in jeopardy.

School officials and activists say that funding is crucial to reform implementation, but that progress can only be sustained by engaging parents. For many, the key to that is reinstating the Office of the Ombudsman, which the Fenty administration created in 2007 but dismantled in 2009.

"We need to bring back the office of the schools ombudsman," said Ward 5 board member Mark Jones.