Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dealing With The Global Assault On Public Education And Teaching While At The Same Time Dealing With The Same Dysfunction In LAUSD - Perdaily.com

Dealing With The Global Assault On Public Education And Teaching While At The Same Time Dealing With The Same Dysfunction In LAUSD - Perdaily.com

Dealing With The Global Assault On Public Education And Teaching While At The Same Time Dealing With The Same Dysfunction In LAUSD

There is a certain irony to the fact that the same technology that is threatening human existence on the earth is also something that might offer us the greatest weapon in combating the tyranny of its more destructive tendencies. If we are able to evolve our natural tendency of local perspective into a global one, then corporate power, which presently reigns supreme, will finally be held accountable.

The Internet and other related technologies have finally made this balance to unbridled corporate power possible based on the following realities:

1. Something more approximating a direct democracy as opposed to what has become an ever increasingly more corrupt arm's length representative republic form of government is now possible. Craig Newmark of Craig's List fame laid it out to me after a speech he made here in Los Angeles

If the voluminous bank and Wall Street bailout bills had been put on line prior to our elected representative