Sunday, September 19, 2010

Counting on having terrible opponents. � Fred Klonsky's blog

Counting on having terrible opponents. � Fred Klonsky's blog

Counting on having terrible opponents.

No sooner did I push the publish button on my post about the dilemma facing IEA members in the November election then a post appeared on the IEA website.

It was like exhibit “A.”

The post is about the anti-union wing-nut Jack Roeser.

Jack Roeser is an 84-year-old conservative who has bounced around Illinois politics for years. That he hates public schools and unions is not in doubt.

It made me think about what a charmed political life President Obama has had. Every time he runs for office, the Republicans come up with an opponent so over the top bad that there is no contest.

Remember Jack Ryan? He was Obama’s first Republican senate opponent. It turned out that not only was he an