Monday, September 20, 2010

Corinthian’s Shameless, Misleading Campaign � The Quick and the Ed

Corinthian’s Shameless, Misleading Campaign � The Quick and the Ed

Corinthian’s Shameless, Misleading Campaign

Corinthian Colleges, which paid $6.5 million in 2007 to avoid a lawsuit alleging it misled students about career opportunities, is running full page newspaper ads warning that Gainful Employment regulations will cost 100,000 jobs and prevent a million students from going to college (see below). The ad campaign, which purports to defend students but instead seeks to instill fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the regulations, is a classic example of manufactured evidence and astroturf industry lobbying. The worst part is the blatant attempt to position Corinthian as the defender of low-income and minority students, the same students saddled with debt.

On the accompanying web site, Corinthian cites an “independent analysis by the Parthenon Group” as the basis