Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Bonuses” Under DC Teachers New Contract � Larry Miller's Blog

“Bonuses” Under DC Teachers New Contract � Larry Miller's Blog

“Bonuses” Under DC Teachers New Contract

Posting by Bill Turque Washington Post Sept 14

Celebration glosses over fine print on bonuses

My invitation to last Friday’s Union Station reception for the 663 “highly effective” DCPS teachers must have gotten hung up in The Post mailroom, which happens from time to time. So I can’t offer a first-hand account of the event, thrown by DCPS to honor educators who scored in the top echelon of the new IMPACT evaluation system. Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee said that after so much turmoil and unrest involving firings and layoffs, she wanted to do something that focused on the best the school system has to offer.

“I want the media and other people to focus on the fact that we have hundreds and hundreds of great people in