Wednesday, September 1, 2010

bit stumps (private notes): Response to Rick Hess

bit stumps (private notes): Response to Rick Hess

Response to Rick Hess

Rick, I've looked at the ABC "This Week" transcript, and it's indeed very discouraging to see what is going on. Duncan has indeed mastered the art of speaking much and not saying anything. Although deep down if you do some archeological work to cut through, he's still persuaded that American schools would soar if only we fired 10% of the teachers.

What is disheartening is to see how the value-added is playing out in the media. Amanpour mentioned the poll saying that 'amongst parents, 72 percent say, yes, the teachers should be paid based on the quality of their work, and 28 percent say, no, they should be paid standard scale'. Why don't we just put it on the ballot question then?