Monday, September 6, 2010

The Answer Sheet - Things you should know about Labor Day

The Answer Sheet - Things you should know about Labor Day

Things you should know about Labor Day

Labor Day is the perfect day to explain to kids complaining about going back to school just how much worse things could be for them. In fact, they once were: Kids were forced into back-breaking jobs day and night in mines, textiles, glass factories, canneries and other places where children don't belong. Labor activists eventually ended child labor -- and won better working conditions for adult workers, including the eight-hour work day. Today, though, few schools teach in depth about the labor movement and I doubt many kids know what the holiday is intended to honor. To help you use this holiday as a learning experience for your children -- which is exactly what I knew you were planning to do today -- here are some facts and figures and history kindly assembled by the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies. It’s your government at work. Celebrated--On the first