Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Week In Education: Event: Live Education Roundtable Friday At noon

This Week In Education: Event: Live Education Roundtable Friday At noon

Event: Live Education Roundtable Friday At noon

Icon_news_32Ever wondered what some of the education journalists whose stories you read all the time are really like? Tune in this Friday the 27th at noon Eastern for the "Month In Review," a live half-hour audio discussion of the month's education news. This month's all-stars include Jay Mathews (Washington Post), Dorie Turner (AP),Greg Toppo (USA Today), Beth Shuster (LAT), and -- tentatively -- Stephanie Banchero (Wall Street Journal). We'll discuss the big stories of the month, winners and losers, and what was over- and under-covered. It'll be a lively, informal conversation. And since we're doign to do this live you'll be able to ask questions or make comments during the show. Mark it down on your calendar -- I'll send out more details tomorrow.