Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This Week In Education: Congress: Late-Breaking Questions About "Edujobs"

This Week In Education: Congress: Late-Breaking Questions About "Edujobs"

Congress: Late-Breaking Questions About "Edujobs"

What if there were no massive teacher layoffs to prevent? Pretty embarassing for journalists and infuriating for critics. Politico (here) and NPR (here) raise some questions about the politics and the necessity of edujobs. EIA's Mike Antonucci digs up some vivid charts and statistics:
image from www.eiaonline.com

Media: The Million-Dollar News Roundup

image from t1.gstatic.comThe latest addition to the Hechinger Report seems to be a noontime education news roundup called the Recess Round-Up. Nothing wrong with

AM News: Obama Making Education Economic Issue

News2Education is economic issue Politico: Several times during his 25-minute speech Obama argued that investing in education is the “single most important” move his administration can make toward building a solid economic foundation... Obama speech ties U.S. need for more college graduates to the economic recovery Washington Post: Saying that the country's long-term economic recovery depends on a wholesale improvement in education, President Obama on Monday pledged his administration's best efforts toward increasing the number of college graduates... Texas Schools Paying for Tutors With Mixed Track Record EdWeek/AP: School districts across Texas are paying tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for private tutoring that has a mixed track record of improving student test scores [and billions for an education system who's record is just as bad]... Lesson Plan in Boston Schools - Don’t Go It Alone NYT: Rather than have the principal fill the slots one by one, the Boston schools have enlisted the help of a nonprofit organization, Teach Plus, to assemble teams of experienced teachers who will make up a quarter of the staff of each turnaround school come fall.