Friday, August 6, 2010

Schools Matter: Part 4 of a 3 Part Series

Schools Matter: Part 4 of a 3 Part Series

Part 4 of a 3 Part Series

This is the fourth installment of my 3-part series on charter management organizations (part 1, part 2,part 3). Maybe this should be called a post-script - I've only added it because part 3 came out as a dud due to the disappearance of comments from Tom Vander Ark's EdReformer blog.

Let me clarify a bit: I contacted EdReformer to find out what happened to the comments. They're claiming the comments were lost when they changed comment programs (from Disqus to something else), and I'm actually inclined to believe this statement. Could they recover the comments? Maybe. I'm going to act as though the removal wasn't done on purpose. It's an entirely different issue if they

The 15 for 15 Corrupt For Profits Named

From Inside Higher Ed:
Deceptive or Completely Questionable' Practices
Presenting the findings of the GAO investigation was Gregory D. Kutz, the office’s managing director of forensic audits and special investigations at the Government Accountability Office. In testimony made more powerful by the brief undercover video clips that punctuated it, Kutz detailed