Saturday, August 7, 2010

School Tech Connect: We're A Mean, Mean Country

School Tech Connect: We're A Mean, Mean Country

We're A Mean, Mean Country

Is there anything more emblematic of the kind of nation we're becoming than this nonstop drumbeat forvengeance layoffs? There's this whole army of people out there that want to use the recession to fire veteran teachers. They're under the impression that there's this horrifically lazy, ineffective veteran teaching force out there that should just be let go based on some formula for determining effectiveness.

The sky-is-falling people have whipped up such

Post-Mortem on Food Stamps

Like I said yesterday, I'm mortified that I was gunning for the Edujobs bill without realizing that we paid for it with food stamps. Mea Culpa. I should have known, but here's what went down.

Like everyone else, I've been paying attention to David Obey, and I saw this article where he tells us that the