Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Tech Connect: Feds Weigh In On School Bullying

School Tech Connect: Feds Weigh In On School Bullying

Feds Weigh In On School Bullying

Here. I don't know anything about this story personally -- just making note of it here now that I am affiliated with this national organization.

Hobgoblins and One Little Mind In Particular

So stupid.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
The arbitrary nature of this already designed-to-polarize program is evidence that I might be wrong about the President's education agenda. For a while I've been thinking that he's using ed policy as yet another futile olive branch-- to incorporate the terrible ideas of people who will never vote for him or his programs in order to unite the country. You know, the way he frittered away the months of his strong majority in the Senate while Max Baucus farted away all the good