Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Tech Connect: All The President's Friends

School Tech Connect: All The President's Friends

All The President's Friends

This is the basic attitude of people who think the President's education policies are sound.

We like how you're privatizing the schools, but please, don't waste our kids' time with your socialist

The Rightward Lurch Of Basic Conversations, Redux

I've moved around so much in my life, I'm not even sure I have a dog in the fight to save Social Security. I'm vested in pension systems, and with the windfall laws, I have no idea if I'll even ever qualify for Social Security, although they send me a nice statement every once in a while.

Anyway,  this was an interesting clip I saw over at C & L. It's Alan Simpson, representing the interests of "the lesser people" on the Catfood Commission. Alan Simpson is a dbag, there's no doubt. It's his right. But to his credit, he stands there and engages rather than dodging the encounter.


Can you imagine being in a family with this guy? It makes more sense to me that the President would pick Arne Duncan to run education when I look at whom he's picked to chair Catfood.