Monday, August 9, 2010

Rise & Shine: Obama set to call for new college graduation push | GothamSchools

Rise & Shine: Obama set to call for new college graduation push | GothamSchools

Rise & Shine: Obama set to call for new college graduation push

  • President Obama is set to announce a new bid to up college completion. (Wall Street Journal, Times)
  • A cheating scandal is threatening the 11-year tenure of Beverly Hall, Atlanta’s superintendent. (Times)
  • City students are interning with technology entrepreneurs this summer. (NY1)
  • After learning business, a Brooklyn Tech grad launched child-tracking tools for parents. (Daily News)
  • The Daily News says Joel Klein was justified in using emergency powers to expand a charter school.
  • The Post says the teacher who faked a fall to avoid a poor rating shows tougher evaluations are needed.
  • Leaders of the Achievement First charter school network say their lower test scores are worth it. (Post)
  • KIPP’s two D.C. charter schools saw their test scores fall last year. (Washington Post)
  • Several Boston schools are hiring teams of experienced teachers as they try to turn around. (Times)
  • Schools in Texas and elsewhere are still required to hire dubious tutoring outfits. (Houston Chronicle)
  • In a suburban New Jersey school district, students can earn C’s and F’s, but not D’s. (Times)
  • With states shedding teaching jobs, the profession is feeling even less secure. (Chicago Tribune)