Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Real Reform vs. Quick Fix: Meet the Coalition for Excellent Public Schools � EdVox

Real Reform vs. Quick Fix: Meet the Coalition for Excellent Public Schools � EdVox

Real Reform vs. Quick Fix: Meet the Coalition for Excellent Public Schools

Last week, on Wednesday July 28th, a new national coalition of community-based organizations, the Coalition for Excellent Public Schools, made up of parents and students in low-income communities from across the country went to Washington D.C! All the way to D.C.? Why such a big carbon foot-print?
Our nation’s capital has had a huge influence on what happens locally, since ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act), later renamed as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) under Bush, has often dictated what local school districts need to do to reform their education system. ESEA is now under revision, creating an opportunity to do away with the negative effects that we’ve seen through the largely ‘one-size fits all’ NCLB strategies (rampant school closings, teaching to the test, high standards with little money, etc.) and through