Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Race to Top: The Follow-Up Edition - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Race to Top: The Follow-Up Edition - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Race to Top: The Follow-Up Edition

Posted by guest blogger Sean Cavanagh

Reaction rolls in from across the country on yesterday's announcement that nine states, plus the District of Columbia, won Race to the Top Fund awards. Much of the discussion focuses on why some states that weren't on many prognosticators' radar—such as Hawaii—made the final cut, while other states thought to be favorites, like Colorado and Louisiana, were left out.

Over at the Fordham Institute, Mike Petrilli is particularly tough on the administration's choices, calling it a "disastrous outcome." He rips the choices of Hawaii and Maryland and the denial of grants to Colorado and Louisiana. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan could have waded in and selected those two losing states,