Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quick Takes: New York Tuition Reform Plan Fails - Inside Higher Ed

Quick Takes: New York Tuition Reform Plan Fails - Inside Higher Ed

New York Tuition Reform Plan Fails

New York State's Legislature had adopted a budget for the fiscal year that does not include a higher education reform measure that would have given the State University of New York and the City University of New York more authority over setting their tuition rates and using the tuition revenue. The measure has been a major goal of the university systems and of Gov. David Paterson. But members of the Assembly balked at some provisions. SUNY's chancellor, Nancy L. Zimpher, issued a statement in which she called the failure to enact the reforms "a missed opportunity" for the state. And she noted that the public university systems now face state budget cuts and increased enrollment pressures without the budget flexibility sought in the reform measure - and she vowed

Shellacking the For-Profits

August 5, 2010

At hearing, evidence of wrongdoing is exposed at Phoenix, Kaplan, Argosy and others; key Democrat identifies "systemic" problems and vows to pursue legislation.

Hendrix's Odyssey

August 5, 2010

Arkansas college's journey marked by dramatic tuition hikes, increased discounting and an enrollment surge.

Colleges and the Governors' Races

August 5, 2010

Higher education is taking a back seat to jobs in this year's election, but many gubernatorial candidates recognize the need for change.

Hippocratic Oaths for Academe

August 5, 2010

An expert outlines 10 commandments each for professors and administrators. Could they lead to peaceful coexistence?