Thursday, August 5, 2010

PFT and District give new teachers a strong start to the school year | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

PFT and District give new teachers a strong start to the school year | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Notes from the news, Aug. 5

PFT and District give new teachers a strong start to the school year The Notebook blog
The Strong Beginnings program is taking place this week at Fels High School and is designed to help first-year teachers handle many of the challenges of their new career.
Philadelphia public school system doles out high salaries to staff Daily News (opinion)
A Republican running for the PA House adds his voice to the chorus of criticism of District salaries saying, the high salaries make it clear that we don't need more money for education, we just need to use our money better.
First Friday reception for Notebook photog. The Notebook blog
Bread & Roses is holding a reception for Harvey Finkle's Justice Behind the Lens exhibit Friday evening.
We Did It! PFT blog
The Senate voted for cloture on the bill that would save thousands of teachers' jobs.

Letters: Philadelphia's Germantown High sends a mixed message on food-poaching Daily News
Shire and Philabundance Announce First Region-Wide High School Food Drive UC Review

Please email us if we missed anything today or if you have any suggestions of publications, email lists, or other places for us to check for news.
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