Thursday, August 26, 2010

My high blood pressure and test scores: The connection is not what you’d think The Education Report

The Education Report

My high blood pressure and test scores: The connection is not what you’d think

By Katy Murphy
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010 at 8:59 am in Steven Weinberg, test scores

Steven Weinberg, a retired Oakland teacher and Education Report blogger, thinks public education could use a new prescription.

Steven WeinbergNine years ago my doctor informed me that my blood pressure was too high and put me at higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke and could shorten my life. He put me on a medication which quickly reduced by blood pressure fairly dramatically.

Several years later he changed my prescription to a different medicine. When my blood pressure climbed back about half-way to what it had been originally, I became concerned and asked him why we had switched to a less effective medication. He said that although the first drug was very successful in lowering blood pressure, long-term studies had shown it had no effect at all in reducing fatal heart attacks and