Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Minnesota schools are facing a chasm between the haves and have-nots over equal broadband access
Daily EducationNews

After 13 years of Labour, one in three primary pupils are still failing the 3Rs
8.4.10 - The Government pledged a return to traditional lessons in English and maths afterwarning that achievement had 'flatlined' for much of Labour's time in office.

Minnesota schools are facing a chasm between the haves and have-nots over equal broadband access
8.4.10 - Beyond questions of fairness, a new study raises concerns about the state's economic prospects. Too many students lack full access to technological tools that are essential components of jobs training for the future. ...

Investigation of for-profit colleges finds fraud, misrepresentations
8.4.10 - A government probe of 15 for-profit colleges found four cases in which campus officials encouraged applicants to commit fraud, and examples at every school in which officials lied about or misrepresented their programs. ...

'Free' movies, songs no more as colleges bust file-sharing
8.4.10 - College students who download music and movies from peer-to-peer file-sharing programs such as LimeWire and KaZaA will find themselves cut off when they return to campus this fall. ...


An Interview with Professor Donald Elder: Revisiting the Lincoln-Douglas Debates
8.4.10 - Michael F. Shaughnessy - The temperament of Congress is clearly less civil now than it was 40 or 50 years ago, and my theory is that while we were engaged in the Cold War, Republicans and Democrats could at least work together to defeat the common foe.

Education under Obama: A Conversation with Bill Evers
8.4.10 -'s Paul Feine recently sat down with Evers to get his assessment of US education policy under Obama thus far. Williamson M. Evers was the US assistant secretary of education for policy from 2007-2009. Today, Evers is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and serves on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's California Academic Content Standards Commission.

Effective from the Start
8.4.10 - Harry & Rosemary Wong - "I knew I needed procedures to manage my classroom, but I wasn't sure how to teach them. When you showed the example PowerPoints I began writing mine in my head, and as soon as the inservice ended, I worked for the rest of the day until I had it and my room perfected." ...

8.4.10 - In a July 21 New York Times cover story, reporter Tamar Lewin rightfully noted "the surprise of many in education circles..." that 27 states had already committed to adopting the new Common Core academic standards developed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.

True culture change comes when hearts are changed
8.4.10 - Secondly, parents must deal with what's going on in the government-run institutions-of-liberal-indoctrination (public schools). Liberal teachers are stealthily implanting in student's minds the idea of rejecting conservative parent's values and adopting a Marxist/socialist "progressive" worldview.

What We're Watching: Bloggingheads on Acting White
John McWhorter and Richard Thompson Ford talk about school desegregation, "acting white," and black student achievement....

The Rives Resolution -- To Stop Pro-Islam/Anti-Christian and Anti-Judeo Bias in Students' Textbooks
Donna Garner - Randy Rives from Odessa, Texas, offered a Resolution on the floor of the Texas State Board of Education (7.23.10) that is meant to quell the pro-Islam/anti-Christian and anti-Judeo bias in students' World History textbooks. The Resolution is to be added as an agenda item for the September 22-24, 2010 meeting. ...