Saturday, August 28, 2010

How many NYC kids take ACTs? � JD2718

How many NYC kids take ACTs? � JD2718

How many NYC kids take ACTs?

1500 just a few years ago, 5000 last year. And what follow-up questions should we have?

At Gotham Schools, they had none. I have previously complained about the bias embedded in their reporting. But this was just lousy journalism. (I explain more in the third comment some of which is copied below the fold)

1. You’ve provided no source for your data. (I assume these are regurgitated NYCDOE numbers?)
2. You’ve failed to define NYC student. (I want to assume these are public school students? Did you include charters? Private schools? Parochial? Hunter?)
3. You’ve compared 1500 students five years ago with 5000 this year. Are they comparable? From