Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Five Blogs You Need To Have In Your Feed Right Now � The Core Knowledge Blog

Five Blogs You Need To Have In Your Feed Right Now � The Core Knowledge Blog

Five Blogs You Need To Have In Your Feed Right Now

by Robert Pondiscio
August 24th, 2010

NYC teacher/blogger Jose Vilson offers Five Blogs You Need To Have In Your Feed Right Now. Good idea, so I’m stealing it.

I treat my Google Reader like the starting lineup for the Indianapolis 500, with feeds running three across. Joanne Jacobs, for example, has been at the upper left, or pole position, for a very long time. The closer to the top, the more often I read it. Once a blog slips toward the bottom, I read it only sporadically.

Picking up on Jose’s meme, here are five blogs I now read avidly that are either recent additions to my feed reader–or that have elbowed their way toward the top:

1. The Answer Sheet is the only “new blog” (it’s almost exactly a year old) to have