Wednesday, August 4, 2010

EduJobs Clears Senate While Schools Are Rehiring | Intercepts

EduJobs Clears Senate While Schools Are Rehiring | Intercepts

EduJobs Clears Senate While Schools Are Rehiring

The teachers’ unions got their $10 billion bailout through the U.S. Senate and the House will likely follow suit when it reconvenes. Both of Maine’s Republican Senators, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, crossed the aisle to put the measure over the top. Here are a few more news stories about what has been going on in the states while this amendment worked its way through Congress:
* “…Fort Wayne Community Schools has hired back 148 of the 284 teachers the district laid off in early May…”
* “When the Hesperia Unified school board rescinded the already-announced teacher layoffs at a board meeting