Monday, August 2, 2010

Eduflack: Testing Throwdown in NYC

Eduflack: Testing Throwdown in NYC

Testing Throwdown in NYC

When are lower student achievement scores a good thing? That seems to be the question thrown about up in New York City this past week, where Big Apple officials have been grappling with the reality that city students' performance on the state's math and reading proficiency tests fell after a newer (and harder) exam was put into place.

As always, it is most fun to read the evolution of such stories in the New York Post, which first reported on theplunge, and then editotrialized on the issue twice -- first on Thursday praising the new "truth-telling" and then again today, condemning the United Federation of Teachers for jumping on the test score drop to "discredit alleducation standards."

It should be no secret that state standards -- and the tests that measure those standards -- have been a problem