Thursday, August 5, 2010

$10 Billion Saves Jobs… at the Bath Iron Works | Intercepts

$10 Billion Saves Jobs… at the Bath Iron Works | Intercepts

$10 Billion Saves Jobs… at the Bath Iron Works

Now that edujobs has overcome its largest obstacle in the Senate, and the House is being returned from recess to vote on it (Tuesday, I hear), it is a foregone conclusion that it will become law.
The National Education Association is justifiably proud of its efforts – 300,000 e-mails, 100,000 phone calls, etc. – though it appears the $10 billion amendment’s passage owes a lot more to the Bath Iron Works than to “grasstops” lobbying. Regardless, the cash will be distributed to school districts and we can congratulate ourselves on saving x number of jobs. And I do mean x, because if there ever were a number that could be called a variable, this is it.
The purported goal of the bill is to rehire education employees who have been laid off. But, as I have been