Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This Week In Education: Deseg: Income-Based Magnet Plan "Lost Ground" In Chicago

This Week In Education: Deseg: Income-Based Magnet Plan "Lost Ground" In Chicago

Deseg: Income-Based Magnet Plan "Lost Ground" In Chicago

Screen-shot-2010-01-25-at-4.32.05-PMA windfall for the white and the wealthy, just as many worried it would be. Here's a roundup of the coverage of the new SES-based deseg plan Rick Kahlenberg cooked up for Chicago's magnet and selective schools, which seems to have failed to maintain diversity at the district's most coveted sites, according to numbers released yesterday - even with the last minute addition of 100 additional spots using race: Plan maintains diversity but increases individual segregation Tribune: For instance, at Northside College Prep,

Reform: Debunking The HCZ "Conveyor Belt"

HczFirst, check out contributor John Thompson's defense of the Zone (below). Then check out my commentary on the issue at Valerie Strauss's Answer Sheet. One of the biggest myths surrounding the Harlem Children's Zone is that the kids who get early childhood and after school services are the same ones who go to Zone middle

Thompson: A Cheap Shot at the Harlem Children's Zone

School_work001_rcGrover Whitehurst of the Brookings Institution attacked the Harlem Children’s Zone based on the test scores of nine successful schools. I do not doubt Whitehurst's claim that three "school-centric" KIPP schools may produce