Thursday, July 22, 2010

This Week In Education: Business: High-Priced Report Promi$es Unique Insight$

This Week In Education: Business: High-Priced Report Promi$es Unique Insight$

Business: High-Priced Report Promi$es Unique Insight$

image from www.whiteboardadvisors.comReports and conferences are a dime a dozen in Washington -- the vast majority are free. But that's not the approach being tried by Dutko's new ed policy endeavor, Whiteboard Advisors, which is putting out a July 29 report/webinar on ESEA reauthorization. It's just $499 for the single event(Margaret Spellings and Alice Cain will be there!) or $4,900 for a year's wort

AM News: MA Approves Common Core

Mass. Adopts Common Standards Amid Fiery Debate EdWeek/AP: The state board’s vote is seen as a tipping point in the effort to set common guidelines for what students learn in school... Has Obama’s “Race to the Top” Lost its Shine? Fox News: Randi Weingarten, president of the American Teachers Union, called the program a mixed bag. “The real issue is that ‘Race to the Top’ in principle would be a good program if we didn’t have the kind of budget shortfalls that we have right now. It’s hard to be innovative and to do new and different things that require time and resources when we’re seeing state after state having devastating budget cuts.” News2... Arrests highlight education busing issues CNN: The arrest of 19 protesters at a rancorous school board meeting Tuesday brings the issue of busing and diversity in education into the national spotlight... In tough economy, Arkansas' lottery launch exceeds expectations Stateline: Arkansas is the latest state to create a lottery whose proceeds fund college scholarships for state residents. In less than a year, revenues have come in well above what was expected, and 28,000 students will get money this fall... Sodexo to pay $20M for overcharging NY schools Boston Globe: Food services giant Sodexo Inc. has agreed to pay $20 million to settle claims that it overcharged 21 New York school districts and the State University of New York over a five-year span.. Borders introduces textbook marketplace online Boston Globe: Bookseller Borders Group on Wednesday said it is introducing a texbook marketplace on its website in an effort to gain market share in that area.