Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shirley Sherrod, the American Spectator, and the History of Lynching in America � Student Activism

Shirley Sherrod, the American Spectator, and the History of Lynching in America � Student Activism

Shirley Sherrod, the American Spectator, and the History of Lynching in America

So the American Spectator has a piece up claiming that Shirley Sherrod of the USDA — the Shirley Sherrod who recently lost her job after Andrew Breitbart disseminated distorted clips from a speech she’d given to the NAACP — lied in that speech when she said her relative Bobby Hall was lynched in Baker County, Georgia back in the early 1940s.
Now, the Spectator is wrong about this, as has been noted. They’re wrong because they’re under the impression